Our main source of information for the Highworth Branch project is the marvellous "The Highworth Branch" by Tom Smith and Greg Heathcliffe, published 1979 by Wild Swan books ISBN 0906867002.
We recommend this book for all sorts of details about the line and commend the whole range of Wild Swan publications which are very useful to railway modellers and for research for Microsoft Train Simulator routes.
Team Members: (the email links all go to Paul, but all comments will be passed on)
Martin Soilleux Cardwell - Occupation - perfectionist, motivator and route builder
Paul Gausden - Web site, models (if I get a chance), optimisation and polygon counter
Mark Olland - Builder extraordinaire (3D scenery items specialist)
Robin Howell - Wagons galore
Additional thanks goes to several other modellers from the UK train simulator community who have directly contributed with models for this project:
Ian Morgan Wooden Bridges Reg Furniss Loco No 13 John Kendrick "Mr Signpost" and others Mike Wilson Some lovely vehicles and others And finally thanks to everyone else who has contributed in many ways to this project Links to Related Web Sites...
www.gwr.org.uk - GWR Modelling
myweb.tiscali.co.uk/aeshop - More of Robin Howells models and projects
www31.brinkster.com/decapod - My gallery and more models soon
www.uktrainsim.com - More UK models
www.train-sim.com - Some UK and the rest of the world (Mainly US)
forums.atomic-systems.com The main UK discussion forums where you will find most of us each day.
Web site by Paul Gausden